Awaken your inner voice on the go with the wildly popular Intuitive Hour Podcast with over 1 million downloads and countless happy listeners!

The Intuitive Hour Podcast

The Intuitive Hour podcast is where I discuss what lies beyond the physical body and share knowledge that defies earthly understanding. I explore what cannot be explained by physical science, and offer you tools, exercises, and strategies to enhance your own intuitive psychic abilities and awaken your inner voice. Listen in and if you love what you hear, please subscribe, rate, and review!

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Hear what’s on my heart right now.

Best of The Intuitive Hour – A Daily Meditation to Release Low Vibes, Restore, Rejuvenate and Replenish!

Michelle brings you a delightful guided meditation you can listen to daily to restore and rejuvenate, start your day, or release lingering stuck or lower vibrating energy.

This special time is for you! Embrace it, immerse in, let go of all the to-do’s of life for these 15 minute

Listen now

Featured in SoInfluential’s The Top 8 Podcasts to Improve Your
Interpersonal Skills as Leader

I’m honored to be featured alongside podcast greats including Anthony
Robbins, Jay Shetty, Brendan Burchard, Brené Brown, and others.


I believe that we’re all capable of being psychic.

Are you ready to listen to your intuition?
