55 Minute Psychic Reading
Please be sure to call 800-607-1770 or email mbeltran@michellebeltran.com to schedule your session. You will be contacted promptly.
About Psychic Sessions:
Michelle will answer any questions you may have pertaining to health, career, finances, family, love and relationships and anything else you wish to discuss. All Michelle’s clairabilities are open, however she most often sees (clairvoyance), hears (clairaudience), and feels (clairsentience) messages of guidance. These sessions, like a medium session, are factual. It is common to receive specific and factual information regarding names, dates, descriptions, specific events and the like. There will be nothing that presents in a session with Michelle that precedes your free will. You, always and ever, have choice about what presents.
It is recommended that you take notes of your session. Your session may also be recorded upon your request.
How Michelle Works:
Michelle requires absolutely no advance information and in fact she will ask that you only state your first name. There will be a few moments for a prayer as Michelle connects with her higher knowing/self and spirit guides. She may work directly with your higher knowing and spirit guides as well to receive messages.
Michelle will ask that you start the session with your first question. You will find that the reading takes its own shape from there. Michelle works quickly so images, impressions, messages of guidance flow steadily. That said, comments or questions that arise for you are welcome at any time. Sessions over the telephone are equally as effective as in person. As such, most sessions take place by telephone.
Rediscover what
was once lost.
My free and simple Controlled Remote Viewing exercise will empower you to uncover answers to your burning questions about lost objects, events, or people in the past, present or future.