As you begin your meditation:

  • Set the intention of the desire to connect with your physical body self.
  • State this specific intention out loud to the Universe. The Universe has heard you.
  • Release this intention free to the Universe to bring to you.
  • Listen and be aware for the signs, symbols and messages that come. They may come in your dreams, meditation, or when you least expect it.

Body Balance Meditation:

I love my body just as it is. My body is aligned and balanced at all times.  

Breathe in deeply, and then exhale slowly

I release resistance of any kind surrounding my body now. My physical body blossoms as I release any resistance.

Breathe in deeply, and then exhale slowly

I am making mental lists each day of all the things I love about my body. Body balance is my birthright.

Breathe in deeply, and then exhale slowly

Every aspect of my body…every atom…every cell…is whole and complete. There is profound rejuvenating of all the cells of my body beyond my comprehension.

Breathe in deeply, and then exhale slowly

Past or unwanted issues leave my body now. I begin to feel the power that flows through me with this releasing.

Breathe in deeply, and then exhale slowly

Every morning, before I start my day, I take a few moments to appreciate my perfect body. I end my day in the same way.

Breathe in deeply, and then exhale slowly

I am ________________ and I love my body fully and completely.

Breathe in deeply, and then exhale slowly

As I allow my body to come alive. I feel an unleashing of magnificent energy.

Breathe in deeply, and then exhale slowly

My body’s natural way is one of well-being. I thank my body now. Vitality exudes from every cell of my body.

Breathe in deeply, and then exhale slowly

I am in my body now. I am present with my body now. I love my body.

Breathe in deeply, and then exhale slowly

Life is not happening to me. I am creating life. I am creating a balanced body that feels right to me.

. Breathe in deeply, and then exhale slowly

The cells of my body are health and well. I relax into and accept this truth.

Breathe in deeply, and then exhale slowly

Physical well-being is easy for me to sustain. My alignment with this knowing  grows stronger every day.

Breathe in deeply, and then exhale slowly

There is no need to try to find body balance. It comes to me effortlessly, with love and grace.

Breathe in deeply, and then exhale slowly

There is a divine plan… far greater than me… bringing health and well-being to me now. I trust in this with all that I AM.



Copyright © 2013 Michelle Beltran. All Rights Reserved.

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