Ask Michelle - The Psychic Development Corner

Psychic Medium Reveals How We Communicate with Loved Ones on the Other Side

Mediumship Messages from Loved Ones

When our loved ones pass away, they often attempt to send us messages for a variety of reasons. Messages can come through a session with a psychic medium or you can receive them on your own. But, you want to know what to look for. Also, Spirit wants to ensure we know they are at peace and they even help safeguard us in certain situations. Signs can come from many different sources, but typically rely on our standard five senses as well as our sixth sense.

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You don’t have to be a psychic medium to receive messages from a spirit or a loved one who has passed over to the other side. Signs and symbols from our loved ones happen regularly and in a number of different ways. Once you open the door to those signs and symbols, you will realize they are not just coincidental happenings. Messages come from loved ones in the following ways: Electricity One of the easiest ways spirit come to us is through electricity. Electricity acts as a conductor for spirits. When lights flicker, computers and televisions randomly shut off and on, light bulbs burst, telephones die, and other physical phenomenon occur for no apparent reason, take notice. It may be a spirit attempting to communicate. Stop and take a moment to ask yourself which of your loved ones might be trying to reach you.

Psychic Development: 3 Sensory Ways Our Loved Ones Communicate

Sight, sound, and smell are three main ways our friends and relatives can communicate from beyond our realm. Of course, we can sometimes see and hear strange things around our home, in our workplace, and virtually anywhere we go throughout the day. It is quite possible that these are signs from our loved ones. Some people capture a familiar scent of flowers, perfume, cologne, or another aroma that would be typical for a person that has crossed over.

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The Most Unique Way Spirit Interacts & Brings Psychic Messages

The most unusual sense that we can use to communicate with people from beyond the grave is a peculiar feeling or inexplicable sensation that someone or something is near us. This is usually a comforting and relaxing feeling that lasts only briefly, but leaves a lasting impression.

Dreams, electromagnetic shocks, and unusual occurrences related to electricity or objects are some of the common physical manifestations that our loved ones use to make their presence known. Flashing lights, short bursts of electricity or sudden blackouts are often reported within a family home shortly after someone passes away. Every representation is a welcome sign from loved ones who simply want us to know that they are still thinking of us.

PSYCHIC DEVELOPMENT: Intuitive Messages Signals and The Mind Body Connection

Specific Types of Spirit & Mediumship Communication


Dreams are one of the best ways to connect with and receive messages from spirits. If you desire to connect with loved ones, simply ask them to come and visit you before you go to bed at night. Then, expect they will come. Don’t try too hard; trust they have heard you and will approach when they are ready. Pay attention to the colors, symbols, words, and people in your dreams. You will know your loved one is communicating because the dream will be more vivid than usual.

Feeling Your Loved One

You may simply feel the presence of a loved one. You may experience a warm feeling or a strong sense that your loved one is nearby. You may feel a chill or a light touch on your shoulder that forces you to turn, finding no one there. It is quite possible that this touch is just one of the ways a spirit is signaling its presence.


Smell is a strong and powerful way a spirit may choose to communicate. You may experience the smell of a great aunt’s cologne or a grandfather’s pipe tobacco. You may even smell odors of shared times and events. These smells may present themselves at the oddest times, signaling the presence of a spirit that wants to be noticed.

Thinking of Them

Recalling or thinking about a departed loved one is an excellent indication that a spirit is communicating with you. This is especially true if the thoughts are strong and happen at an unusual time or in an unusual place. It is quite likely that a loved one is thinking of you at that very moment or coming to let you know he or she is nearby. Our loved ones on the other side know exactly what they are doing, and they have the ability to be at the right place at the right time.

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Coincidence and Synchronistic Events

We are often presented with what might be called a unique, synchronistic event. Be aware of the message. There really is no such thing as coincidence. If you have ever thought of a loved one, are then reminded of favorite song you shared, and later that day, heard it on the radio, it may be the interface of a loved one.


Do you see numbers that seem to repeat themselves? Do clocks stop at a certain time? Do license plate numbers have a particularly important sequence? Do you see a loved one’s birth date routinely showing up? It may be the obvious nudge of an important spirit.

The ways in which our loved ones communicate are as varied and complicated as their personalities. There is no one way for that communication to happen. It can be any one or all of those mentioned above. No matter what means is used to get through to you, it is important not to discount the happening. Be mindful of so-called coincidences. Listen, and open yourself to their needs and ways to interact with you.

Join Me for Clairvoyant Mediumship Readings

If you would like to communicate with your loved one to find out how they are doing or for guidance, join me for Clairvoyant mediumship readings. I am an “evidential” medium, where you will know it is your loved one from facts provided to me that I relay to you from your loved one. Book your session today!

Interested in a one on one class with Michelle to kick start your mediumship development and discover your psychic ability? Consider Psychic Development: How Can I Connect With Spirit Mediumship Class.

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