Ask Michelle - The Psychic Development Corner

Psychic Medium Gives 4 Powerful Ways to Improve Your Psychic Abilities

You Want to Unleash Your Psychic Potential?

Great! The reality is, you already are psychic!

Open Your Mind

To The spirit World

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Whether we acknowledge it or not, human beings are beings of spirit. We are, on a basic and fundamental level, connected to all things that psychics tap into regularly and intentionally. Most of us spend our lives thinking and working from the left side of our brains, dealing with the sensory world, and experiencing it physically. Nevertheless, our capacities for deeper knowing are there. They are buried under piles of mundane chores and cares, concerned with everyday living. Our paths are unique and valuable. So, regardless of the extent to which we allow our psychic knowing to develop, it can always be developed.

The Most Accurate Psychics Have Learned the Art of Quieting the Left Brain

There is not a more powerful tool than meditation to enhance your psychic ability. In quieting your mind, you find you. In quieting your mind, clear and accurate psychic impressions can enter. They cannot present to a racing mind that is busy with thought of the next thing needing to get done that day or tomorrow’s list of to do’s.

In your daily meditation, even if it’s just five minutes a day, be sure to quiet your logical, left brain thinking mind. Say hello and then goodbye to your left brain. Make an agreement with your left brain to reconvene at another time. Meditation and a quiet mind will assist in a quicker and clearer connection with your psychic self.

Being Psychic Goes Hand in Hand with a Positive Mindset

Be in positive thought as often as you can. A vessel full of negative cannot bring in the pure, positive powerfulness of psychic impressions and images.

Fill your life with like-minded people and positive inspiration – events, books, places, people, etc. Also, allow in a healthy dose of skepticism as you learn and open to your abilities. Trust in your own life force and natural power!

Develop a voracious appetite and open mindedness about all things psychic and metaphysical. Allow yourself plenty of time to learn, read and grow, developing a solid platform of understanding of psychic functioning. Remember that psychic learning and development never ceases!

Psychic Ability and Being In Charge

You are the boss. Use your own higher knowing and intuition. It is always the most valuable information you will get. Your emotions and gut feelings about things are part of this intuitiveness. You get to turn the gift on and off, just like a faucet. Be sure to turn it off if you feel you need to.

There is a fantastic misconception that psychic ability is happening to you and may somehow take over. The reality is that it is happening for you and with you. It is rooted in goodness and you’re in the driver’s seat. Breathe this knowing in.

In Your Psychic Development, Remember to Relax!

Be you and enjoy the journey! Let the information flow and come to you. Sit back and let that happen. Your desire to be right, or get images is ego and will hinder your connection. In the words of Eckhart Tolle, be in a place of “non-resistance, non-reaction, and non-judgment.”

In my early development years, I was in the class one day doing readings, and was sitting forward in my seat, almost as if to find the images or to make the answers come to me. My teacher said to me, “Michelle, sit back and let it come to you.” This was one of the most powerful bits of guidance I received along the way.

I’m Psychic and I want to Learn More

Being a psychic isn’t about seeing the future, or telling fortunes. It’s about self actualization. It’s also about helping others and supporting clients and those around you to come to their own understanding about questions causing them distress or for which they just need a bit of guidance. The issues most commonly brought to psychics—and about which psychics obtain information and messages—are requests for guidance and insight concerning health, career, finance, love, and relationships. The guidance a psychic gives is often information a client already knows but refuses to acknowledge or consider in a particular light.
Expand your understanding of what it means to be psychic and how to awaken, amplify, and trust your inner voice. Listen in here! The Intuitive Hour: Awaken Your Inner Voice.

Photo credit: iStock

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