Sutra Series: 5 Specific Sutras for Psychic Development
5 Specific Sutras that Will Enhance Your Psychic Development Unlocking our full potential as humans means tapping into abilities and skills that go beyond the physical realm. One of these…
As you explore and develop your psychic ability you want to consider another part of your spirit you may or may not know exists. It’s your Astral or etheric body—the spiritual counterpart of your physical human body that exists on a different plane. It is the part of you that lives forever. It is not your soul, but an intermediate between your intelligent soul and your physical body composed of a subtle ether-like material our language struggles to define. It is an exact energy duplication of the physical form it surrounds. This energy body is attached to the physical body, usually at the naval, by a silver-like cord. It is accompanied by the mind and is capable of travel during periods in which the physical body sleeps. Such an act is referred to as astral projection.
The astral body is associated with imagination, emotions and desires, which it conveys information to the physical body. During sleep, death, or through drugs or any other loss of consciousness, the astral body separates from the physical body and, in its absence, no pain or sensation can be felt. The astral body is not composed of matter alive with an intelligent life, but it possesses a kind of life sufficient to convey an understanding of its own existence and wants.
The astral body is also associated the afterlife because it is the vehicle that carries the soul from the physical body to higher realms. It is often said that the astral body is the channel through which humans experience dreams, visions, and out-of-body experiences that participates in astral projection.
Meditation, shamanic practices, lucid dreaming and certain drugs can stimulate an awareness of one’s astral body. Some say that it can be seen as an aura of constantly changing colors swirling around the physical body.
In accordance with theosophical teaching, thought is not the abstraction it is commonly considered to be. It is built up of definite forms, the shape of which depends on the quality of the thought. It also causes vibrations, which are seen as colors.
Hence, clairvoyants may tell the state of a man’s development from the appearance of his astral body. Some suggest that a nebulous appearance indicates imperfect development, while an ovoid—a solid three-dimensional egg shape—speaks of a more perfect development. Because color is indicative of specific kinds of thought, the variety of color coming from an astral body indicates the character of the person to whom it belongs. Inferior thoughts produce loud colors, while higher thoughts will exhibit delicate colors. For example, rage may be red while kind thoughts are pale blue.
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Tuning in to your ability to access your astral body can be done with practice and meditation. Reaching this plane of consciousness that exists between the physical world and the spiritual gives the person an inner calmness and peace. Set the intention first that you wish to use this meditation for psychic development and the astral body experience.
By learning how to connect with your Astral Body, you also learn how to communicate with your Higher Self. The Astral Body connects to other dimensions while connecting with you on the 3rd dimension. As you merge with your Astral Body, you develop the relationship to open up to your wisdom and messages in connection with Spirit. After you have attained your astral body experience, please take a moment to journal your feelings and revelations.
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Astral projection is a wonderfully uplifting experience. Once you have tried it, you’ll find yourself wanting to explore it more. To make each astral travel experience the utmost, you can enhance the experience with essential oils. They have a beneficial effect on our body, mind and spirit and will increase your ability to relax in this heightened space. Try these 2 essential oils for astral projection and out-of-body experiences.
This powerful essential oil is known to support psychic development. It is said to enhance clear visualization, psychic visions and the development of your clairvoyance ability to see mental images and impressions. Cinnamon Bark can strengthen your ability to focus and is said to support in attracting love and harmony. It is linked to the element of fire and assists in opening the first chakra, also known as the root chakra or base chakra.
Cinnamon bark oil, being directly connected to the base chakra, makes it incredibly helpful in stabilizing astral projection work. It will support your overall wellbeing, improve health, and attract balanced love. Cinnamon bark also has a spiritual protective element to it and has been known to purify a space before any heightened spiritual work such as astral travel and out of body experiences.
When used as support with astral projection, it provides a calm, soothing and purifying sensation. The result of this is clear focus, sharpened visions and an increase in your ability to have visions. You’ll notice ease, peace, calm and harmonious sensations and feelings. These emotions support your vibrations and support you in ascending to the astral plane.
Lavender is yet another popular essential oil that is used in the manufacture of soaps, perfumes as well as body oil. Its calming scent leaves you feeling relaxed and serene.
Lavender has a fresh, sweet, floral, herbaceous aroma that is soothing and refreshing. Because it is the most versatile of all essential oils, no home should be without it. Lavender is an adaptogen, and therefore can assist the body when adapting to stress or imbalances. It is a great aid for relaxing and winding down before bedtime, yet has balancing properties that can also boost stamina and energy.
When using Lavender in astral projection work lavender will support you in deep relaxation which in turn lends to accessing focused concentration. Lavender will also assist you in accessing and opening the pineal gland area, also known as the third eye chakra.
Frankincense (Boswellia carteri) has a sweet, warm, balsamic aroma that is stimulating and elevating to the mind. Useful for visualizing, improving one’s spiritual connection, and centering, it has comforting properties that help focus the mind and overcome stress and despair. Frankincense is considered the holy anointing oil in the Middle East, where it has been used in religious ceremonies for thousands of years. More recently, it has been used in European and American hospitals and is the subject of substantial research.
Frankincense is made from a tree in Somalia which is well known for its ability to grow in very shallow soil and with little water. It is the resin from this tree that frankincense essential oil is made.
Use this essential oil in projection to enhance the separation of the body and spirit. You will notice sensations and feeling of stability, certainty, security, and protection allowing for an overall sense of wellbeing and uplifted state. Frankincense will also support you in releasing negative energy and allowing for the best astral plane experience.
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With the oils, I have all three, young living as well (love youngliving), donwe diffuse them, apply them to our bodies? Or both? If we apply, where do we apply? Temples, neck? I’m genuinely curious, I hope you get back to me!
Hi Ashley! Apply them to the soles of your feet, back of the neck and at the crease of elbows. Good question! (: Warmly, Michelle