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Psychic Development Exercise: The Essential Psychic Development Tool of Grounding

Essential Psychic Development Tools

The cornerstone of any psychic development or clairvoyant program teaches you the art of Grounding, Running Energy, Psychic Protection, and Neutrality (Being in the Center of Your Head). These powerful psychic tools, along with the sixth chakra (third eye) and your clairabilities are at the foundation of your psychic awareness and functioning.

Today, we learn about psychic development tool of Grounding to maintain spiritual equanimity and replenish your energy. You will begin to use Grounding to focus your creative life force energy to create for yourself.

Psychic Development: What is Grounding?

If you have ever wondered, “What is Grounding, anyway?” then this may provide some good awareness…

Grounding is a process of rooting and centering yourself. It’s an essential tool that will bring clarity, focus, and equanimity into your day, moment by moment. When you ground yourself, you’re calling back to you your own pure, positive essence. It’s a balancing tool that guides you to stand in your power, certainty and higher knowing. It is an essential tool as you begin to become in tune with your clairabilities and your Higher Self.

Any of us can get filled up with other people’s energy throughout the day. We’re easily influenced by other energies. In time, having used this tool consistently, you will start to realize when you’re out of your center and need to do some Grounding, because using these tools will increase your awareness in a big way.

Psychic Development: What is a Grounding Cord?

It is akin to a pipe, tube or funnel. You release energy through this that is ready to be released, is not of you and/or no longer serves you. You might imagine your Grounding Cord as giant powerful waterfall, deep tree roots, a beautiful golden divine light or a giant thick rope.

Use your Grounding Cord, also called a Grounding Tube, at any time. It is one of your main psychic tools. You may also use it to Ground others when you see they are not in balance for some reason. Grounding others is the one psychic tool you may use to assist others without first gaining their permission. Remember you must have Grounded yourself before you do this. Change your Grounding Tube whenever it is old, worn out or not draining energies out quickly enough.

RELATED: Psychic Development: 7 Steps to Release Low Vibration Energy Cords From Your Space

How to Ground

  1. Keep your feet flat on the floor. Close your eyes, sit up straight, yet relaxed in your seat. Your palms should rest gently on your lap, facing up.
  2. Affix a Grounding Cord from your first chakra located at the base of your spine. Let this Cord drop effortlessly to the center of the earth. Don’t try to find the center of the earth. Your higher self knows where this is. Trust that.
  3. Your Grounding Cord should be as big around as your body and fit snug to your hips. Check that it is on ‘release’ and watch as all tension, doubt, self-sabotage, stress, anger, or fear leaves your body through this Cord. These are lower vibration energies and your Grounding Cord will drain out energy and programming that is not your own.
  4. Travel up and down your entire Grounding Cord and check for tears, holes or weak spots. Bolster it where you need to if it feels necessary.
  5. Write your name on the Grounding Cord and even put today’s date on it. This anchors it and helps to reinforce its presence and guidance.
  6. Change your Grounding Cord whenever it feels old, worn out or not draining out quickly enough.

Remember to hug a tree, get your bare feet in the earth, dance or even meditate leaning against a tree to Ground yourself in your day! These simple tips will support you in spiritual and emotional balance, bring a deep sense of centering and enhance overall well being.

How Will I know the Psychic Development Tools Are Helping Me?

Since I started doing this regularly, I’ve begun to feel good and calm all the time, as if I were being programmed to think positively. Now when I hear a negative thought from anyone or myself, I think, “Where did that come from?” Or, if I feel tension or upset toward another I can calm myself and realize that that low energy emotion is not me—it’s coming from them or someone else. That is the beauty of these tools. You get so tuned into a higher vibration that when the lower self comes in, you can recognize it and say, “No more of that! I’m going back to being me.”

Until you establish this practice, it’s easy to not even realize how other people’s energy is affecting you. This is very true for us as a society. I see patterns of this over and over again. Several things are very prominent. People often think, “If that person would just do this, I would be happy.” They worry about what others think of them, or feel they have to agree with others. They’re giving up their power in the process. The Grounding process can help solve that problem, because when you’re grounding, you’re calling back your energy and letting go of everyone else’s. Nobody controls you, but you.

I release through my Grounding Cord and create a new one a couple of times a day. It’s important to break those energy cords and bonds, because people will tend to cord into you energetically without even realizing it, and that’s never good.

Use a divine golden light in spiritual practice, instead of a white light. White light tends to attract lower vibrational energies, because it attracts everything. A golden divine energy is more pure and more powerful.

Grounding Steps In Quick Summary

  • Keep your feet flat on the floor, your eyes closed, and be relaxed in your chair. Place your palms facing up on your lap.
  • Attach a Grounding Tube from your first chakra, which at the base of your spine. Drop it effortlessly to the center of the earth. Don’t try to find the center of the earth. Trust your Higher Self knows where that is.
  • Tug on your Grounding Tube to check that at is flowing and attached, if you need to. Travel up and down the entire grounding tube and check it for tears, holes or weak spots. Strengthen the Grounding Cord where you need to.
  • Widen your Grounding Tube to fit snug around your hips.
  • In your mind’s eye, put a date on your Grounding Cord, to affix it to present day, and set it on release.
  • Use it for draining out energy and programming that is not your own. See all that is not of you, and any lower vibration energy such as fear, worry, self-sabotage, doubt leaving through this Cord.

Grounding is an ongoing, constant process. It’s not something done once. Your ability to keep this in place throughout your days is essential.

MORE PSYCHIC TIPS: The Power of Your Breath: 4 Dynamic Psychic Development Techniques to Strengthen Your Intuition

Essential Oil: A Psychic Development Tip

psychic developmentAn essential oil to support grounding? Yes! Grounding Essential Oil will support emotional relaxation. This powerful essential oil has been known to stabilize and calm people and even animals! Grounding Essential Oil supports those who may be making poor choices in relationships, work or home matters because they simply are in denial of their own true reality. If you or someone you know is feeling stuck, Grounding Essential Oil can help. Try using it on your pets who are either panicky, nervous or restless.

How to use Grounding Essential Oil:

  1. Topical: Dilute 1 drop with 1 drop of olive oil and apply to the sacral chakra area.
  2. Aromatic: Diffuse up to 30 minutes, 3 times daily.

I Want to Learn More about Essential Psychic Development Tools 

There is much to learn about psychic phenomena and psychic protection, including the importance of the essential tools and exercises related to Grounding and Grounding Cords, like Neutrality, Running Energy and Staying the Center of Your Head. As a start, or as a refresher for the veteran, join Michelle in her psychic development courses here!

What To Do Now

I hope you enjoyed this article on Grounding. If you’re looking for more spiritual development information, check out The Intuitive Hour: Awaken Your Inner Voice podcast, along with my over 183 episodes covering a wide variety of intuitive development topics.

This article is based on an episode at the Intuitive Hour: Awaken Your Inner Voice, one of the Top 8 Podcasts of 2022 To Improve Your Interpersonal Skills right alongside some of the podcast greats: Anthony Robbins, Jay Shetty, Brendon Burchard and featured as 45 Best Psychic Podcasts.

Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Podcast Addict, Pocket Casts, Stitcher, Castbox, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music, or your favorite podcast platform.

Photo credit: iStock

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