Psychic Ability Happens Through Your Senses (Sense-Abilities)
All Sense-Abilities are avenues by which to see the world as it really is. Psychic abilities without a purposeful intention to do good for others are skills that can be learned and, as such, are merely skills. Skills are just that—skills. Psychic awareness, psychic abilities, psychic creativity, and spiritual growth present opportunities for supernatural practices to serve personal growth and the needs of humankind. When psychic potential is unleashed, and you can see what it manifests, you know that it is probably worth your while to pursue it.
Sensory Field Trip: Step One to Access Your Psychic Self
But first things first. Decide the focus your psychic ability will take. Connecting with your higher self, your sixth sense, and the spirit world requires the use of all your senses: taste, touch, smell, hearing, and sight. These senses are the doorways through which your connection with your intuitive, psychic self develops. Through your Sense-Abilities, you take your physical senses to a higher spiritual level. This process becomes a heightened sensing. Psychic Sense-Abilities come in many forms, and the development of any psychic ability takes time and energy.
The first thing to do before attempting to invest in any kind of formal training is to get a sense of your own inner Sense-Abilities. Start by taking time to increase awareness of everything around you. Try taking a sensory field trip—a time when all you do is practice awareness. Go to a zoo, the woods, your local grocery store, or farmer’s market. Take time to notice everything there. Take thirty to forty minutes to wander around. Listen to the sounds that make up the environment, the smells you encounter, and everything you rarely take notice of. Look everywhere, and feel everything. Feel textures, notice colors, sensations, temperatures, and smells. Handle things. Notice the weight and temperature of the items you touch.
What is happening all around you? Is it colder or warmer in certain parts of the store? What are you feeling on the inside of your body? What are you feeling on the outside of your body? Are you drawn to look up, down, or to the side for any reason? If so, ask yourself why. It is important to notice direction because of the way things present; looking from top to bottom, from right or left matters.
Take into account how you are feeling along the way; attempt to ascertain what reactions you are having and why. Keep track of what keeps you from focusing and what may be the cure. Focus on the smallest details; write down every experience as you go, but don’t allow your writing to distract you. Jot down just a word or two to remind you of each experience. You can focus on the writing later.
Noticing directions is important, as directional messages are correlated with time. For example, something presenting from the left can mean it is linked to the past, from the middle, a link to the present, and from the right, a future connection.
The sensory field trip will help you access which Sense-Abilities you are predisposed to practice. You will get a sense of what your innate talents are. Each of the Sense-Abilities is a complementary tool, available to psychics through the way they access information— information which can’t be learned any other way.
RELATED: Psychic Medium Teaches You Secrets to Swiftly Tap Into Your Psychic Power of Claircognizance
Wait, I Can Have Two or More Gifts? … Yes!
It is possible you will find what particular affinity you have for one or several Sense-Abilities. You will find those Sense-Abilities form the foundation for your activities with clients. You will also find that each Sense-Ability grows in development and intensity. Be aware of what kind of information is most likely to be revealed to you and through which Sense-Ability it is most likely to come. Remember not to dismiss anything that is unfamiliar or strange. Be bold and open to what was previously closed to you.
Once you have determined which sense is the strongest for you, sit in a comfortable, quiet position. Become aware of your body and your breathing. Breathe in and out slowly for a minute or so. Then, give attention to the Sense-Ability with which you connect the strongest. Next, simultaneously be mindful of your breath and your Sense-Ability, as if they were one. If hearing is the most prominent of your senses, then focus your attention on your ears. Breathe in and out slowly, focusing for several minutes on the fact that you and your ears are one. If your Sense-Ability is Taste Reception, focus on your tongue, and exhale and inhale as you do so. Each day, when it comes to your attention, take time to repeat this exercise with your dominant Sense-Ability in mind. Concentration will make your particular Sense-Ability more firmly instilled in your mind.
Become comfortable with your hunches, gut and natural sense of knowing. Learn to trust this. If something doesn’t feel right, chances are it isn’t. What may be right for one person may be totally wrong for another. We have all experienced times when a feeling deep in the stomach compels us to take action. If we don’t listen to this prompting, we might feel as though we had missed doing something central to our benefit or the benefit of someone else. There are times when we’ve listened to such an urging, only to learn that listening made a difference and was important.
Your sixth-sense is your inner guide. Learn to trust it. It may be scary at first, and it may appear to lack logical sense, but you will soon discover it does make sense. When you obey your urges and listen to your inner-self, you’ll reinforce the power of your awareness and see it become an important part of how your life (and the lives of others) obtains a deeper understanding of certain events.
Being Proactive, Open Vigilant and Aware Matters
Pay attention and be aware. The more data and information you absorb, the more your subconscious mind will reveal. Your intuitive senses use all the information gathered from your conscious mind. They allow your subconscious mind to play a part in delivering information to aid in your decision-making. Remember: your subconscious mind communicates information directly to your conscious mind, and it does so through the power of your inner perceptions. It is important for the development of your psychic abilities to pay attention to even the smallest hints and clues you receive. The key to a fully integrated experience is to take notice.
If you have ever ignored your intuition or inner observations and later had to deal with unpleasant consequences, you know the importance of paying attention. Remember: the more you pay attention, the more you will experience. The more you experience, the clearer and more correct your messages will be.
Read insightful and engaging articles at Michelle Beltran Intuitive Development Blog with new articles published regularly. You’ll receive a plethora of information, tips and tools regarding all things metaphysical and spiritual! Michelle’s sought after teachings will assist you with accessing your intuitive self.
Harness the Power of Your Rest Time
Use the power of sleep. Much can be learned and explored while your consciousness visits the unconscious realm. Put your subconscious mind to work while you sleep. Before you go to bed at night, reflect on any questions or issues for which you need solutions. Your subconscious mind will consider the problem and make an answer apparent to you in the morning. Since dreams and sleep information are often lost in the presence of the conscious mind—the light of day—have a pen and book light available for recording what you have discovered.
MORE PSYCHIC DEVELOPMENT: Psychic Medium Reveals: How to Develop Your Psychic Power of Clairaudience
It’s so Trite, Yet True: Journal
Journaling will also help. When you take time to record your experiences, you give yourself the ability to evaluate and appraise the whys and wherefores of your experiences. It is an excellent way to give meaning to inner messages, insights, and unexpected knowledge. Remember: the development of your personal awareness is akin to learning a new skill. The more you practice, the better you will become.
What’s Next in Your Journey?
If you find yourself moved by a strong suspicion that there is more to life than what can be seen or easily explained … If you find yourself with an overwhelming desire to explore what lies outside the realm of physical science or earthly understanding … If you want to know what abilities function outside the domain of natural laws consider my psychic development book Take the Leap: What It Really Means to Be Psychic. Click here to access 4 courtesy chapters now!
Photo credit: Canva
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