First Things First: The Skinny on Psychic Ability and Intuition
Intuition is an important function of the human mind. It is a real and scientific phenomenon. It is as real as your physical body, and exists alongside your thoughts and emotions. Intuition is the strongest connection you have to your own subconscious. It also gives you unprecedented access to the source of all creativity, wisdom as well as a unique level of discernment.
The more you listen to your intuition, and the more you act on what it tells you, the more sensitive and confident about its messages you will become.
The value intuition has on our lives is often dismissed. Our western values teach us not to trust our intuition. And because of that, many of us spend inordinate amounts of time discounting every message our subconscious sends and then regretting any decision we made as a result of listening.
Intuition has a difficult time getting past the rational mind. You can’t explain intuition, but you can come to know it and trust it. You see intuition is the difference between our intellectual, logical mind and the more encompassing realm of spirit. Logic is how the mind knows reality; intuition is how the spirit experiences that reality.
Malcolm Gladwell, in his bestselling book, Blink, describes situations where we can do your best thinking when we don’t think at all. His book is about the power of intuition although he does not call it that. Gladwell believes the phenomenon of intuition is wrongly defined. He believes the concept relates solely to emotional reactions and gut feelings that don’t appear to be rational. However, he believes messages that come in the blink of an eye—the first two seconds it is received—is completely rational. He goes on to say that what happens, “… is just thinking that moves a little faster and operates a little more mysteriously than the kind of deliberate, conscious decision-making we usually associate with thinking.”
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The Must-Knows of Accessing Your Intuition
- No Second Guessing: To enhance the reliability of your intuition don’t second guess it or doubt it before you get a chance to act on it.
- Listen to Your Body: Obey the sensations going on in your body and don’t allow outside pressures to influence you.
- Say Yes to Enlightened Moments: Allow any ah-ha moments to guide your actions, and if you have to, ask for guidance from your higher power. Those ah-ha moments can feel much like a light bulb that just turned on. You may get an eerie feeling about someone that comes in a flash. But, stay with it and don’t hurry onto the next thought or lose the insight.
- Fear vs. Unbiased vs. Hope: As you become adept at interpreting your intuitions, you will need to distinguish unbiased intuition from fear-based or hopeful thinking disguised as intuition.
- Be in Neutrality: Reliable intuitive messages are usually delivered unemotionally, although they may have a compassionate, affirming tone. They often come through as clear and crisp with a detached sensation.
- TRUST: The word of the day is “trust.” When it comes to listening to your intuition, “trust it.” Your subconscious is communicating important information. Trust it. Trust your gut.
To increase the power of your intuition, you will have to identify and release any core beliefs you have about the validity of intuition. You will have to separate past emotional reactions and hurts from messages your intuition may be trying to send.
To claim your intuitive powers, admit you don’t have data to support your decision, but you are going with your gut anyway. If what your intuition is telling you is contrary to what things appear to be, go with your intuition.
Great leaders in history and people we hold in great esteem are not people who used spreadsheets to convince a skeptical audience of their views or decide what path to follow. They argued their position form their own base of credibility and conviction—the decisions they made because of the prompting of intuition.
Everyone knows that hard data is essential for certain kinds of decision-making, but not everyone knows or appreciates the power of listening to your gut—your intuition.
Everyone has an experience where they realized their intuition was right and that they should have gone with their gut. That is because intuition is more right than it is ever wrong.
Sometimes your intuition will tell you to wait—to wait and make a decision or wait for additional information before you make a decision. The power of the collective consciousness of the universe and your higher self often collaborate with your intuition to deliver information. Your intuition may be saying to wait for that collaboration to happen.
You may often find that logic feels better but your gut denies it. Go with your gut. Remember, intuition isn’t witchcraft. It is a phenomenon God has given for our protection and edification that anyone can use.
Summing it Up!
You’ve learned the importance and impact intuition has on our lives. Intuition is an important function of the human mind. It is a real and scientific phenomenon. It is as real as your physical body and exists alongside your thoughts and emotions. Intuition is the strongest connection you have to your own subconscious.
Being a psychic isn’t about seeing the future, or telling fortunes. It’s about self actualization. It’s also about helping others and supporting clients and those around you to come to their own understanding about questions causing them distress or for which they just need a bit of guidance.
The issues most commonly brought to psychics—and about which psychics obtain information and messages—are requests for guidance and insight concerning health, career, finance, love, and relationships. The guidance a psychic gives is often information a client already knows but refuses to acknowledge or consider in a particular light.
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