Accurate Psychics and Quieting the Mind Noise
A quiet mind and a sense of inner peace are essential for an effective and insightful psychic. They are necessary for anyone to whom creativity, discernment, perception, and clear thinking are important. A quiet mind is perhaps the first and most valuable quality an aspiring psychic should acquire.
Five Ways Psychics Quiet Their Minds
1. Take time to do nothing. Find a quiet place that speaks to your soul, and spend time in that space as often as you can.
2. Meditate. It slows thinking, slows breathing, and slows worldly awareness. It actually shifts your brain. It temporarily adjusts the parts of your brain called the lateral prefrontal cortex and the medial prefrontal cortex. The lateral prefrontal cortex is responsible for modulating your emotional responses and automatic behaviors and habits. The medial prefrontal cortex is responsible for constantly reviewing past experiences, responses, and behaviors. These two automatic sets of responses work to prevent you from quieting your mind. Meditation slows those responses and gives you enough control to allow you to truly quiet your mind.
PSYCHIC DEVELOPMENT MUST-HAVES: The Best of The Intuitive Hour: A Powerful Technique to Sense Spirit Energy!
3. Acknowledge any feelings of being rushed, feelings of anguish, or feelings of tension. Acknowledge your willingness to give into compulsive habits (smoking, drinking, TV watching, overeating). Acknowledge that those feelings exist, and then simply stop and take three breaths. This action instantly breaks your connection with compulsion and generates an awareness of your surroundings instead. A subtle feeling of peaceful energy will pervade your body and thereby lay a foundation for future peace. The very best psychics can allow the chaos of life to just slip away, like sand falling through their fingers.
4. Pay attention to the
energy fields operating inside your body. See compulsive energies as separate and apart from you, and then use the power of thought to employ conscious breathing.
5. Pay attention to how you are breathing, and make a conscious effort to breathe slowly and rhythmically. You will soon feel negative emotions and compulsive urges disappear. As awareness of your emotions grows and as you deliberately halt incessant thinking, you will begin to exercise control of those emotions, giving you space for quiet contemplation and peace.
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Most people are so distracted by their thoughts they can no longer feel the infusion of life that breathing brings. Whenever you can, when it comes to mind, center on your breath. This practice is more spiritually transformative than any book, course, coaching, or lesson of any kind.
How do I hone this skill, you ask. Try this powerful meditation, below, to assist you in opening your third eye. Over 76,000 people have downloaded this popular meditation to support them in their psychic development!
Photo credit: iStock
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