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Remote viewing or controlled remote viewing (CRV) is an advanced psychic skill enabling a person to mentally see objects hundreds or even thousands of miles away. It is an activity whereby a remote viewer tunes in to an object, location, or event inaccessible by normal means—regardless of time, distance, or location.
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Remote viewing is implemented when an individual usually law enforcement, a corporation or private person/organization requests a remote viewer to look into a past or future event or request a visit to a location as it existed in the past or future. It is also used when someone wants to view or peek at something locked or hidden away. Once the remote viewer locates the object or event and views it he or she will report the revealed information to the individual. The remote viewer does this by using a structured process, incorporating written information, verbal statements, or illustrated sketches.
Remote viewers are often asked to see places or objects situated in unreachable locations, which may be on the other side of the globe. They are also asked to describe events in the past, such as the outcome of Amelia Earhart’s last flight, or a look inside a sealed container or locked room.
The goal of remote viewing efforts is to receive signals and messages from the subconscious mind, with the help of our senses, and then interpret and decode that data to the viewer’s conscious mind. The signals are said to travel through the viewer’s subconscious mind and then into the their consciousness, where it is deciphered into a form (verbally or materially) that can be reported clearly to others. Psychics with this ability are expected to actually view or see things without previous information or assistance. This is commonly referred to as being blind to the target.
There is a big difference between psychic ability and remote viewing. A remote viewer is a trained skill that anyone can learn.
MORE PSYCHIC TIPS: 4 Dynamic Psychic Development Tips to Strengthen Your Psychic Ability
The remote viewer relies on hearing the sounds surrounding the target and experiencing the tastes, smells, and textures vital to completely seeing the location, item, or event.
Remote viewing also relies on the viewer’s interpretive skills for effective analysis and a comprehensive reporting of what he or she has seen. Once the viewer mentally interprets what he or she witnesses, he or she must convey that information to the client. It is not unusual for a remote viewer to be meticulously trained and to have a customized approach only he or she uses to conduct a complete a remote viewing transcript.
It is not uncommon for a viewer during a session to lick or sniff the air or put their pen and touch the air in an effort to connect with and obtain an essence of what they can feel at the target. This is using senses in a heightened, subconscious way. The viewer acts as if they are at the target location and receives through their senses subconsciously.
In her book Harper’s Encyclopedia of Mystical Paranormal Experience, Rosemary Ellen Guiley, an American researcher and writer on topics related to spirituality and the paranormal, described Distant Sensing as, “Seeing remote or hidden objects clairvoyantly with the inner eye or through out-of-body travel.” However, one does not need to travel out of body to learn this skill of remote viewing. Anyone can learn this skill, and simply adhering to the structured process typically leads to successful identifying of the target location.
Things of the spirit are difficult to prove scientifically, but remote viewing remains a valid practice by those who have witnessed its results. Ingo Swann, an extraordinary psychic, artist, and author has been credited as the creator of the process of remote viewing. He is widely known for his work in paranormal research for the military venture known as the Star Gate Project. Swann refers to himself as a “consciousness researcher,” who experiences “altered states of consciousness.”
Swann developed while working at the Stanford Research Institute in the early 1970s working in tandem with American physicists Russell Targ and Hal Puthoff. Swann’s experiments with remote viewing caught the attention of the CIA. In The Reality of ESP: A Physicist’s Proof of Psychic Abilities, Targ presents it was Swann who coined the term remote viewing and who also taught the army how to remote view.
Remote viewing, like all psychic abilities and modalities, requires one to limit any mental noise (analytical overlay) from interfering with the execution of the psychic skill. This requirement is of utmost importance to the remote viewer. It is critical because mind chatter (thoughts regarding worldly concerns) that seeps into the viewer’s consciousness will prevent correct and authentic information from being recovered. The process of remote viewing involves training would-be viewers to deal with and control the pollution and illegitimate imaginations often experienced in any intuitive process. It is one’s inability to control mind noise that prevents a clear, undamaged extraction of information.
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Be mindful of letting go of being right! The need to be right is pure ego. Most important, have fun! This unconscious data is coming from your mind and autonomic nervous system. Remember that your unconscious is ever present and aware of all that is, all the ever was, and all that ever will be. Your subconscious knows what is that target location and it merely need now link with the target location. Trust your subconscious has got this and let the process happen. It is a subtle process that has a life force all its own. It does not need the help of your ego. It need only your subconscious self set it free. Even the best remote viewers may not connect with the target from time to time. So, if you didn’t connect with anything in the photo it’s normal and is okay. Move to your next envelope and coordinate. The most important aspect of remote viewing is self-actualization – to learn about yourself. It is not solely about being accurate. Remote viewing is an ability you cultivate and grows stronger over time with your intention, practice and consistency.
In my psychic development book, Take the Leap: What It Really Means to Be Psychic, I give you an overview of remote viewing, along with fun exercises. Go check it out! You might also try my Beginning Controlled Remote Viewing Course!
I hope you enjoyed this article on the very popular topic of remote viewing. If you’re looking for more spiritual development information like this or other divinations like numerology, sound therapy, the pendulum, runes and much more, check out The Intuitive Hour: Awaken Your Inner Voice podcast, along with my over 183 episodes covering a wide variety of intuitive development topics.
This article is based on an episode at the Intuitive Hour: Awaken Your Inner Voice, one of the Top 8 Podcasts of 2022 To Improve Your Interpersonal Skills right alongside some of the podcast greats: Anthony Robbins, Jay Shetty, Brendon Burchard and featured as 45 Best Psychic Podcasts.
Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Podcast Addict, Pocket Casts, Stitcher, Castbox, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music, or your favorite podcast platform.
Photo credit: Canva
My free and simple Controlled Remote Viewing exercise will empower you to uncover answers to your burning questions about lost objects, events, or people in the past, present or future.
Thanks for the good enlightening article. Keep up!
… you’re welcome Lawrence! I’m glad you’ve enjoyed the article!
Hi Michelle,
Just learning to do this. I have a question: In #6 of how to do RV, you mentioned looking up or below your feet, and what you percieved. Are our eyes supposed to be open or closed? Because, all I see is what I normally see… the ceiling and the floor. Am I supposed to see something other than where I am?
In your mind’e eye visualize as you look and explore! (:
One more question Michelle,
My place where I live is never quiet. Should I go to a park or where headphones at home?
Can I listen to soft instrumental or new age music while doing these exercises?
Yes, it should be a quiet place Sean. Ideally this is in a sacred space in your home. If not, then where you can be uninterrupted and it’s quiet, w/o music. Good question! (:
It’s great to know that we can access our subconscious mind.
I used to think this is only done by people who are specially gifted.
I had the same question as Sean Kirby but you have covered that.
Thanks Michelle!
… you’re sure welcome Bongani. I’m delighted you’re following. Yes, anyone has the ability to tap into their subconscious mind. It merely takes learning and practice. Warmly, Michelle
I have a queation. During this session should I close my eyes and see from the minds eye or open my eyes and see from minds eye? Open eyes are disturbing. Please let me the answer
Hi Akila, I recommend eyes but if it truly feels better to close them, then do so. Warmly, Michelle
Hi Akila, I recommend eyes open but if it truly feels better to close them, then do so. Warmly, Michelle
I can connect with the emotions of a person at the time of a photograph taken, very easily. I was wondering if there was a simple yet effective technique to connect to the emotions of the person in the present moment,
rather than at time of photograph. Would it be a command or statement of sort to myself to be able to connect to the person in the present? I don’t have monitor to work with.
Thanks for a great website.
Hello there! You might find this article on telepathy helpful! Warmly Michelle
I have a friend who’s husband is missing. They have 3 young children and there has been minimal help to find him. Is there a remote viewer I can contact to help her? Any help at all is appreciated for her and her family.
Thank you,
If you’d like to schedule a session, I’m happy to help you with that. I look forward to hearing from you, should you choose. Warmly, Michelle