Understanding Your Psychic Child, the Indigo
An Indigo child, or psychic child, will express a new and unusual set of behavioral and psychological traits, not seen before. Indigo children are a special soul group that began being born around 1978. They were named Indigo due to the deep blue or violet color of their auras, which indicates a strong spiritual awareness. These children were born more highly evolved than most people, and had a clear access to their right-brain intuitive abilities.
As children, the indigos know how special they are, and expect to be respected. They are nonconformist, and extremely wise beyond their years. They understand the importance of their uniqueness and don’t understand why adults don’t value it. They have higher self-esteem than most children, and often more confidence. Indigos buck against any authority that refuses to give them choices. The old system of “do as I say” without reasons given as to why they should follow a rule never works for them. Indigos are creative, insightful people. If the way it’s always been done doesn’t seem right to them, they will challenge that system and try to rework it. Socially, they feel best when among other indigos, and otherwise feel lost and isolated.
Many Indigos are born psychic, able to see visiting spirits and conversing easily with grandparents and other loved ones visiting from the Other Side. Because much of what goes on around them seems old-fashioned or out of step with who they are, they are often bored and restless. You might hear your psychic child say mature or otherworldly kinds of comments like, “Mommy, When I was in your belly, God told me we were going to live in a home in the mountains one day.”
As adults, the Indigos are having a profound effect on our world. Many are now working diligently to heal people, animals and the environment. Many are spiritual teachers, writers, social workers and leaders in social research and clean technology. Those who survived feeling different and isolated as children have grown into the progressive thinkers the world needs.
Does this sound like your child? Does this sound like you? Remember, most Indigo children are born to Indigo Adults.
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Traits of Psychic Children
- Express a sense of royalty and a deep understanding that it’s their deserving birthright to be here.
- They have strong desire to be spoken with not at.
- Prefer eye contact when communicating.
- There must be freedom of choice in everything – even in their own disciplining.
- It’s essential to explain things to them. “Because I said so” does not work for Indigos.
- Intolerant to uniformity, rules and rigid processes.
I spent several years teaching in the Montessori, charter and Native American school systems and here is what I learned:
- The Indigo student has a short attention span and gets bored very quickly and has very high, almost excessive energy level.
- There can be an in inclination to quit or give if they feel they have failed in some way.
- Frustration sets in at times and this is usually when they can’t see the way to manifest their usually awesome and amazing ideas.
- The Indigo student has a preference toward a particular way of learning, especially in subjects like math.
- These students are highly creative and do best in an environment that is more investigative and exploratory wherein they can create and learn as they go.
Is this your child’s experience or was it your own growing up?
From my experience as a teacher in the Montessori school system, it was important to honor the student and not the system. The curriculum was flexible and the students had choice regarding how and at what pace the lessons were presented. Collectively, we set the learning standards and classroom organization and structure. Indigo children do best with dignity, safety, respect and a safe place to belong – even at school. Do you know what’s happening in your child’s educational or learning environment?
These students have a very high self-worth and at times can be challenging to teach. A teacher based structure, as in many main stream classrooms is too authoritative for the Indigo. This structure doesn’t allow for freedom of choice and respect of personal autonomy.
What teachers of Indigos should know:
- The Indigo student has a short attention span and gets bored very quickly and has very high, almost excessive energy level.
- There can be an in inclination to quit or give if they feel they have failed in some way.
- Frustration sets in at times and this is usually when they can’t see the way to manifest their usually awesome and amazing ideas.
- The Indigo student has a preference toward particular way of learning, especially in subjects like math.
- These students are highly creative and do best in an environment that is more investigative and exploratory wherein they can create and learn as they go.
When teaching an Indigo, it is essential to honor the student and not the system. The curriculum should be flexible and the students need choice regarding how and at what pace the lessons are presented. Collectively, teacher and student should establish the learning standards and classroom organization and structure. Indigo children do best with dignity, safety, respect and a safe place to belong. Do you know what’s happening in your child’s educational or learning environment?
A Word on ADHD & Learning Disabilities
Many Indigo and gifted children are falsely labeled with learning disabilities or ADHD. They are quickly treated with medications as there is a sense of not knowing what else to do about the child’s hyperactivity, low performance at school, or out-of-control behavior. Once tested, it’s not uncommon to learn these students actually have very high IQs. If this sounds like your situation, consider seeking out of formal testing through the counselors and psychologists at your child’s school.
Were you an Indigo child? Is your child an Indigo? Does a friend or family member have an Indigo child? It might be time to take a second look.
MORE PSYCHIC AND SPIRITUAL TIPS: Six Must-Haves in Your Spiritual Handy Bag
Essential Oils to Support Your Psychic Child’s Well Being
Essential oils will be an integral part of your psychic child’s health and wellness and will help them to maintain their high vibrations as they navigate this world they are often a step ahead of!
– To stabilize energy levels, try Rose, Joy, and Harmony apply on drop topically to the sacral chakra area.
– To support the a clear connection to the Divine, All That Is which psychic children have a direct link to use Frankincense. Apply one drop topically to the temples, crown of head, naval, or soles of feet.
– To free the home and school or learning environments free of toxins diffuse into the air Thieves, Purification, or Lemon daily.
– Oils that support restlessness (also described as ADD/ADHD above) apply one drop topically of Lavender or Peace and Calming to the soles of feet at bedtime.
– To support focus and concentration try Peppermint which can be applied topically to the temples and third eye area upon waking or during the day when needed.
What the Parents of Psychic Children Want to Know
As and Indigo child myself and teacher of Indigo children, I realized some basic things about Indigos which nurture an empowering relationship:
- Make them your partner in raising them in this world.
- No matter what their age (even as infants) explain everything you are doing to them, even if you think they don’t understand. They do.
- Indigos need an answer to the why of things. Always be willing to explain the why and how-come of your choices, yet not from an authoritative perspective.
- Give them choice, choice, choice.
- Keep your word, don’t react or give orders to them, talk situation over and use “time-outs” if you’ve disciplined them. Be a stable, calm and fair adult for them.
- Give them praise and understand that belittling them is disastrous.
- Above all, treat them with respect. Honor their soul as the autonomous and capable human they are.
If you believe you child is an Indigo and want to know more and learn how to support them, click here to book a session with Michelle.
Photo credit: iStock
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