Sutra Series: 5 Specific Sutras for Psychic Development
5 Specific Sutras that Will Enhance Your Psychic Development Unlocking our full potential as humans means tapping into abilities and skills that go beyond the physical realm. One of these…
Psychic Medium reveals that while there is much that is positive about working with psychic abilities and the development of your third eye, there are areas of caution. It is essential and compulsory that, when delving into the world of psychic phenomena, you recognize the need for spiritual, mental, and physical protection. Protection must be considered, not only for yourself but for the safety of your loved ones. There are, we regret to say, spirits of lower vibration, whose only reason for existing is to spread chaos and turmoil. They are spirits that want nothing more than to bring negative energy and negative situations into your life and surroundings.
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It is important to know, when you are dealing with spirits or working to connect with them, there are good spirits and not so good spirits. The difficulty inherent in this situation is that you may not always know (at least right away) with which type of spirit you are dealing. You won’t know the intention of a spirit until you make contact with it. Even if your goal is to connect with a spirit you already know is good, it is possible that a lower vibration spirit will intervene.
As you proceed along your path of universal connections and higher planes of existence, you will be more aware of the myriad of spiritual energies around you. You will be exposed to new realms of being, and as a consequence, you will become more sensitive to their vibrations. This increase in awareness will bring increased vulnerabilities. Therefore, it is necessary for you to create a safe space, where positive energy can dwell and negative energy is forbidden. Practicing psychics develop a protection rose and/or a prayer of protection to send a message to the universe of their strong intentions to be protected. A prayer of protection is personal and is often repeated aloud. Its power is in the strong intention of the practitioner. It is a prayer said before starting the day and before any reading or energy work takes place.
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While a protection prayer is a verbal expression—alerting negative spirits to keep their distance—a protection rose is a meditative energy tool that reinforces a clear boundary against negative energy. It acts as a filter to prevent energies not your own from accessing your space. It is a defense mechanism to ensure safe and protected sessions. To create a protection rose, you must first envision a rose clearly in your mind’s eye. See the colors and smell the aroma. See the beauty of it from the ground up, along the green stem, onto the shape and texture of the leaves, to the actual shape and form of the rose petals. The vision of your rose, and the pure essence of energy it imparts, will invade your space, protecting you with a strong, unfettered connection to the universe. Your mind cannot tell the difference between reality and imagination. Because of that, the unencumbered vision of your rose actively acts as your energy protector. The universe will honor your effort and your intention to be protected. It doesn’t take long for you to establish a daily routine of envisioning your rose and employing the vision before you enter a session. Take the time and be safe. Remember that any routine is an ongoing process that only becomes a habit with practice and consistency.
Psychic protection is as natural and necessary as eating, sleeping and drinking. It acts as a powerful force that wraps you with love and grace, helping you to be better prepared as you embark upon your day. As you move forward on your spiritual path, you begin to understand and become more aware of the energies around you. It is helpful to establish filters or boundaries as you make the conscious choice to keep your pure positive essence within your space.
As your awareness of the energy around you grows, you become more sensitive and exposed to a new realm of distractions. A myriad of energies on the astral plane and elsewhere may be attracted to your increased energy movement and awareness. You may notice that new people are attracted to you as well. Your ability to be prepared with psychic protection will make your transition to higher consciousness much smoother.
In addition, protection is an ongoing, constant process. It’s not something done once. Your awareness of having protection in place throughout your days is essential.
I developed a prayer of protection early on in my work. I find that saying it out loud is essential as this roots its power into my subconscious and also sends the clear message to the Universe of my intention for safe and protected sessions. It’s important to establish this as part of your practice before you begin energy work, spiritual healing, readings or even meditation.
A protection prayer is not in place for fear that low vibration energies are a threat and will somehow invade your meditative or reading space. Rather, it is a tool to maintain healthy energy boundaries. It is designed to keep your energy within your own space and others energy within their own space. The prayer is a manifestation tool rooted ultimate love and grace wrapping you in pure positive essence of goodness and safety.
Take some time today to develop your own prayer. You may find yourself editing your prayer for a few days as the depth of it fully expresses. In time, you will find a place of knowing that you are complete with your prayer. Be sure to state it before readings, meditations or whenever feels right to you.
The development of your Prayer of Protection will be unique. I am offering my own prayer below, but you may prefer to shorten or lengthen yours. You may use this prayer, parts of it or completely design your own. But don’t skip the development process and creation of your Prayer of Protection —it’s part of your journey and will ensure accuracy, brevity and clarity as you move forward in the growth of your abilities.
I have created the following protection prayer.
Supreme Being, All That Is
Thank you for this opportunity to complete this psychic medium reading (or meditation)
May it be guided by your Love and Light
Surround us (me) with your Golden Diving Energy
Only the most pure, positive, highest essence is allowed in this reading (or meditation) space
Teachers, Angels, Spirit Guides, Masters, Ascended Masters, Archangels
Thank you All for coming
I intend accurate, open, clear lines of communication
As mentioned previously, your pure, positive essence is the only energy allowed in your space. In addition to your Prayer of Protection, a Protection Rose is another energy tool that assists you during your daily life, meditation or any kind of spiritual work to keep healthy energy boundaries in place. A Protection Rose acts like a filter or receptacle that absorbs energies near or around you that are not your own and don’t belong in your space.
A Protection Rose can also serve as a ‘hello’ of sorts. For example, during my day when the thought of my Protection Rose comes to me, it is a clue to be aware. In these moments, I ground myself, make a conscious choice to become present in the moment (and not distracted by my thinking mind) and become more in tune to the events and occurrences around me. My Protection Rose is giving me a gentle reminder to be mindful of healthy energy boundaries coming in and/or going outward.
MORE PSYCHIC DEVELOPMENT TIPS: Psychic Medium Teaches 3 Techniques for Low Entity Removal
To help you imagine a rose more clearly in your mind’s eye, while in a meditative space, first find a beautiful rose and study the details of it. See the green of the stem and the leaves, the texture of the petals. Smell it, feel it, and even taste it if you feel drawn to. Is there perhaps a little caterpillar or ladybug on it? Look at the rose and then close your eyes, and see it again in your mind’s eye.
The most important thing in creating you rose is its vibrancy—how alive it is and how detailed the image is. While it’s an image you are creating in your mind’s eye, it is a real and absolute symbol of true, raw energy, and this is powerful. Just because it’s an image in our mind doesn’t mean it isn’t real. Your logical left brain may not think so, but the Universe makes no distinction between thought and physical reality. The universe thinks there’s a rose there, right out in front of you, protecting you or doing whatever job you decided it will do. The Universe will honor the intention you set for that rose. The only thing stopping that is you and reality based notions that tangible can be the only reality or proof. As your intuitive ability grows you will begin to understand and trust this concept more and more.
Creating a Protection Rose can take a few seconds to several minutes. When I began using this tool, I spent time create it. I desired to see the details of my Protection Rose clearly. I wanted to see the color, the detail of it grounded to the center of the earth. Your process may be similar or much quicker. Honor what feels right to you.
As you awaken in the morning, before stepping out of bed, close your eyes and visualize your Protection Rose. Ask it to be with you throughout your day. I too, create my Protection Rose at the start of the day, with the intention of knowing that it’s always there, though I don’t always consciously think about it during the day. Despite this, it is still present. Then during the day if it comes into my conscious mind, I know there’s a reason for that. I then ask myself, “Who’s near me?” and am mindful of the energy around me.
It’s that simple. The more energy work you do or the more you are around others you may find it necessary to release the Protection Rose down the Grounding Cord and create a new one.
Who would have thought? Herbalists have long since described the powerful essential oil Fennel as a protection against low vibration energies. According to oral tradition, Fennel also works to guard against bad influences.
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There is much to learn about psychic phenomena and psychic protection, including the importance of the essential tools and exercises like Grounding and Grounding Cords, Neutrality, Running Energy and Staying the Center of Your Head. As a start, or as a refresher for the veteran, join Michelle; Psychic Medium in her psychic development courses here!
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My free and simple Controlled Remote Viewing exercise will empower you to uncover answers to your burning questions about lost objects, events, or people in the past, present or future.
I really loved each and every post of your’s ….a big hug and thanku for helping me .. god bless u
I’m absolutely delighted to hear this Saurabh! Thank you for taking the moment to share this! So much more to come. (: Warmly, Michelle
Thank you for this. I just recently learned about the protection of Rose vines. Just curious though, does it have to be roses or could it be your favorite flower you desire to imagine?
You’re welcome Jamie! (: