Ask Michelle - The Psychic Development Corner

The Precognitive Dream Telling the Future: How Do I Know I’m Having One?

What is a Precognitive Dream?

By and large, when we dream, we are in a passive experience wherein we project our thoughts, ideas and emotions into a movie screen of sorts. At some juncture, amidst this often abstract and creative experience there comes an occasional dream that seems “precognitive” in nature. This becomes apparent to the dreamer of course when that dream actualizes. It is here when the dream is met with a powerful awareness that what was once dreamed of, is now actual.

In a precognitive dream you are receiving information, facts and details about an event that comes true in the future. It’s very similar to sensations associated with Déjà Vu. So, if you’ve had this kind of experience then you know what a precognitive dream can feel like.

These powerful dreams are not incubated, they simply happen.

Precognition is Nothing New to the World

Did You Know?

When Sir Winston Churchill traveled in his car he always sat on his favorite side. He had a gut feeling one day and changed sides. Later that day, as he was in his car, a bomb exploded. The car was tossed up and onto two of its side wheels but because of where he was sitting, Churchill’s weight balanced the upheaval and the car didn’t overturn.

Abraham Lincoln had a dream about a funeral at the White House. Two weeks before he was assassinated in 1865, he told his wife that in the dream, he asked someone who was in the casket. They told him, and he heard in his dream, “the president of the United States”.

The well known story of Frankenstein, often cited as the world’s first science fiction novel, was inspired by author Mary Shelley’s vivid nightmare.

The father of quantum mechanics, Niels Bohr, often spoke of the inspirational dream that led to his discovery of the structure of the atom.

Elias Howe invented the sewing machine based on a famous dream that helped him understand the mechanical penetration of the needle. He was not the first person to create the idea of a sewing machine, however Howe made notable refinements to the design and was awarded the first US patent for a sewing machine using a lock-stitch design.

As we all know, Albert Einstein is famous for his genius insights into the nature of the universe. As it turns out, Einstein reached extraordinary scientific achievement – discovering the principle of relativity – after having a vivid dream.

Our world is literally inundated with impressive examples of precognitive dreams and how they have impacted human evolution and existence!

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Types of Precognitive Dreams

Symbolic Precognitive Dream

In this dream, symbolism presents the precognitive information but this is not realized until the actual event in waking life. This is a difficult dream to recognize. However symbols in the dream match (but also can exaggerate) the future event when it actualizes.

Literal Precognitive Dream

This is a first-person perspective precognitive dream and is often in great, literal detail. Here, you sense, think and feel aspects of the dream can actualize in the future. You might feel a sense of Déjà Vu with this dream.

3rd Person Precognitive Dream

This is you as an observer, from a third-person perspective. This precognitive dream can present in symbolic and literal form. The information being observed in the dream however does not mean it will ultimately occur from a first-person point of view.

Lucid Precognitive Dream

This is a dream while awake. Meaning, the person is awake and realizes that they are dreaming. This is a common place for precognitive dreams to emerge. An even more pronounced sense of déjà vu can present in this dream. Also, there are two types of lucid dreams: an active lucid precognitive dream wherein the dreamer actively tries to engage the precognitive dream and an ambient lucid dream where in the dreamer passively observes the dream remaining within the usual dream flow.

How to Identify the Precognitive Dream

Visual Symbols

Precognitive dreams present a visual symbol letting you know time is of the essence. For example, preceding a precognitive dream you see a clock either facing forward or moving in a forward direction or hands of the clock facing forward. This lets you know to pay attention as this is to present again ahead, but in real life. The clock face becomes a symbol of a probable precognitive dream. This is just an example. You might also see a calendar, an hour glass, an image of the moon passing. Be mindful that you may receive a symbol unique to you that displays the message that time matters. Meaning: Let’s say you’re a musician, so your symbol showing time is of the essence may be a metronome, or a conductor of an orchestra.

Also keep in mind that holidays like Thanksgivings, Christmas, Easter, July 4th, a person’s birthday, Christmas trees, fall colors, sports like baseball, hockey, etc. By becoming alert to very specific time oriented symbols you can determine an approximate period for a possible future event’s manifestation.

Finally, be mindful of meeting people in your dreams state who you have never met yet later in waking life when you did meet these people they were exactly as you saw them in your dream, even down to the same clothing as in the dream.

Sounds and Voices

Pay particular attention the last dream right as you wake. Often, you will wake hearing a song or a few words and it’s not attached to an image or symbol. If this happens, pay attention! There is a reason you’re waking with this echoing in your mind. This is your subconscious requesting you listen to the dream and a clue of a connection to your daily life and/or what’s ahead. Be sure to listen and receive the words exactly as you hear them. Don’t make assumptions and take the message word for word.

Emotional Cues

If you feel a strong emotional urgency to pay attention to the dream then this dream may also be a suggestion that time is of the essence and the dream will come again in life. An example may be a dream of a birthday cake and someone birthday that is feel with especially intense emotion.

You can identify this emotion filled dream as it often comes amidst many placid dreams. So the emotional intensity of the dream is easily noticed and may even then repeat.

Repetition Matters

Dream events and dream symbols that repeat over and over again and in a short period of time often suggest the likely approach of a waking event. If the dream occurs two or three nights in a row and has intense emotion, do take note!

Last Dream

The last dream before waking is an important one. This is in part because it’s the dream we remember. This is your subconscious being very intentional and giving you clear indication that information in this dream is useful. This doesn’t mean that other dreams earlier in your sleep or as you fall into sleep are not precognitive so do still look to these earlier dreams for insight.

It’s like a Peloton

Precognitive dreams often come in clusters, packs or herds. So, as you notice one precognitive dream present, be on the lookout for more to follow!

Specializing in Your Expertise

We all have natural talents that are inherent to us. You may notice that your precognitive dreams follow areas of your expertise. Over time of journaling your dreams of this nature you may have numerous precognitive dreams about finances if you’re seasoned in the financial investment industry. A therapist or counselor who specializes in family events or relationships may receive precognitive events of this nature. Some people tune into purely positive precognitions and others only find negative precognitions. Over time you may even notice that an area of specialization actually expands or changes as you grow and your interest changes.

We Dream of What Interests Us

Like the emotion filled precognitive dream, the curiosity filled dream, too, gets our attention. You may notice these unique dreams are all about people or things that you want to know more about or are very intrigued by.

Look for the Oddities

Did you have a dream of an odd object? Make note of that odd thing about a place or event as the ‘oddity’ tells you it is ahead. This oddity symbol or phenomenon suggests that our dreaming perception may recall more easily or pay attention to the odd or unusual aspect of a future place or event.

How Do I Develop the Ability to Have Precognition Dreams?

1. Keep a dream journal.

– In your journal record and date each dream in detail as possible.
– Sketching and drawing counts. So, if words, emotions, images or sounds don’t manifest draw an expression of your dream as best you can.
– Come back to your dream later and study them. Listen to their wisdom on a literal and symbolic level.
– You’ll begin to analyze patterns of events and meaning of certain symbols in your dreams.

2. Start with Lucid dreaming.

– In this space you begin to open the door to a new kind of consciousness that encompassed things like out of body experiences and astral travel.

3. Be Open and Receptive.

– Your subconscious will begin to send you signs and symbols and messages, if you will listen. So, be especially tuned in and open to heightened messages.
– They may come to you in the form of symbols, thoughts, feelings, or physical sensations.

4. Practice Remaining Calm.

– When you are in equanimity, ease and peace messages of insight can reach you. You are also more in tune to emotional energies of people, events and circumstances in your environment. Meditate, Ground and Run Energy often to maintain healthy energy balance.

5. Live in the Moment.

– Embracing the present moment and thrive in the now. This will support you to becoming more receptive to the wealth of information your psychic mind wants to provide you. This happens very easily when you are present and grounded in the now.

6. Put the Puzzle Pieces Together.

– Precognition may manifest itself to you in what may seem like jumbled pieces of a giant jigsaw puzzle. Your job is to be patient and put it all together, over time.

MORE PSYCHIC TIPS: Unlock Your Psychic Powers: Five Steps to See Your Aura

I Want to Learn More About Precognition! How Do I Develop My Psychic Abilities?

Great! You must first begin to be more aware of your dreams. Information in dreams comes to you when it can’t reach the waking mind. So develop the facility for recalling dreams. A dream journal can help make you more able to recall the higher vibrational messages delivered to you in your sleep.

Be sure to check out this powerful Hemi-Sync music specifically designed to support your psychic development and maintain deep, restorative sleep!

Be sure to tune into The Intuitive Hour: Awaken Your Inner Voice! This podcast will empower you to learn how to magnify the powers of your intuitive voice. In her own unique style, Michelle raises her vibrational energy to link with higher realms delivering insightful messages with grace, integrity, and the utmost care. Listen in and expand your understanding of what it means to be psychic and how to awaken, amplify, and trust your inner voice.

What’s Next?

I hope you enjoyed this article on precognitive dreams. If you’re looking for more spiritual development information, check out The Intuitive Hour: Awaken Your Inner Voice podcast, along with my over 183 episodes covering a wide variety of intuitive development topics.

This article is based on an episode at the Intuitive Hour: Awaken Your Inner Voice, one of the Top 8 Podcasts of 2022 To Improve Your Interpersonal Skills right alongside some of the podcast greats: Anthony Robbins, Jay Shetty, Brendon Burchard and featured as 45 Best Psychic Podcasts.

Listen to the episode on Apple PodcastsSpotifyPodcast AddictPocket CastsStitcherCastboxGoogle PodcastsAmazon Music, or your favorite podcast platform.

Photo credit: Canva


  • Jairo vargas says:

    I had dream a few days back a vivid to be precise, i dreamed that my girl whom i have never met in person came to visit me in my room, i can still recall clearly how it happen. i was sleeping in room, my step sister says jairo theres someone here for you, a girl enters, when i open my eyes i saw her, jumped off my bed and hugged and said hey baby. Once i woke i stood shock how vivid that dream was, i had been through 3 dreams that came true but happen on next day but one dream that got me a major dejavu was a dream of paranormal in someone house i did not know who she was but later in on like 2 years later or more i met her she is my friend girlfriend she told me that happen at her moms, u know the whole paranomal. Im like i actually experience a ghost hunting but i wasnt physically there, omg i said. But back with my recent dream I was happy knowing she would come but im like i havent told her my address yet maybe i have. I stood in thinking about it, researching about it, this is the first time a vivid dream stood in my head. Only sign i can read from it is she would come on a surprise visit, besides the dream didnt potray any bad thing just a happy moment.

  • Hi,

    I have dreamt twice about my mother in a hospital. Both dreams indicate time is of the essence, the second one almost gives me the day and month when i see my mother lying in the hospital, in pain, wrapped in a white cloth, and my father who passed away a few years ago climbing the steps to the same hospital. It was very intense and i cried for the longest time after waking up. I did not have a dream again about this, but i worry as to the truthfulness of these dreams. They are always at the back of my mind, almost haunting me, reminding me, preparing me. I don’t know if i should be trusting my dream. I was hoping you could shed some light on this, thank you.

  • Kelley Kromer says:

    What would it be considered when one dreams of anothers death and its exactly how the dream was exactly same cause of death , The dream was dreamt befor they were diagnosed and its all true..

  • Haley Linfeild says:

    I have had two dreams (two nights in a row) about my crush and I had an extremely vivid dream which feels almost real and I was wondering if this means it is going to happen in the future? If a dream is vivid and you can remember the details clearly, does this mean it is precognitive and will happen on the future?

  • Sarah Baker says:

    This is interesting. I had more precognitive dreams as a child than I do now, though that maybe I live less in the now, now. I’ve yet to have any major life-altering precognitive dreams though, as usually, they are small, otherwise insignificant dreams that are easy to forget until after they’ve already occurred, usually having a conversation with someone or the like. It does mean I sometimes get to see locations that will be important to me later early, but as I’ve usually forgotten them until they actually come up it’s not that useful/interesting to me. The few exceptions I can think of were pretty surprising to me though. The two that pop to mind first are going to watch a movie in the cinema as a child, only to realize I’d already seen the whole movie in a dream, and owning a book that I didn’t know at the time existed (in the middle of an otherwise normal dream.) I still own the exact book, that I got a few months after, as a gift when I was in the hospital.

  • Acorn says:

    My boyfriend’s been dreaming about the child who looks like him ever since he was a kid. There has always been a house, but it was always locked. He would do things with the child often in the yard. When he met me, though, the house became unlocked, and I was in there with the child. He told me that it wasn’t a normal dream because he could read in it, but he could not get out of the dream. He lucid dreams frequently and knows how to break out of dreams fairly easily. He’s been telling me about what happens with the child and me in the dreams. Mostly painting the house, or going to the store. But last night the child hugged him and said goodbye before the dream ended. We don’t know what it means, and have been trying to find information on it.

    • Hello there! Open dialogue with the young boy version of himself in the dream. You boyfriend will want to ask the boy “What is the message that you want to tell me?” Or, “Show me the meaning of the why you come to my dreams.” Warmly, Michelle

  • ria says:

    a few months ago i had this extremely vivid dream . where my friends and i were in an abandoned house, i never saw the house before entering . the dream was bad and contained negative feelings, though it was short but extremely detailed . after having that dream a few days later me and those same friends entered an abandoned house around here and i got the feeling of deja vu like i’ve been there before but not knowing how since i was never there before physically . upon walking a bit farther in i remembered the dream and this specific hallway that seemed to have made me remember the dream at that moment . i internally panicked and rushed my friends out of there . i told them later about it since i didn’t want to freak them out. the dream and that place are kind of terrifying. i’ve also been having many dreams that do come true since then .

  • I’m delighted you’re following! Indeed there is a plethora of learning here to learn from. Let me know if you have any questions as you continue. (; Warmly, Michelle

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