Sutra Series: 5 Specific Sutras for Psychic Development
5 Specific Sutras that Will Enhance Your Psychic Development Unlocking our full potential as humans means tapping into abilities and skills that go beyond the physical realm. One of these…
Edgar Cayce, the famous American mystic once said, “At any time a soul will give off—through vibrations—the story of itself and the condition in which it now exists. So, when I see an aura, I see the man as he is.”
It is those vibrations he speaks of that we perceive as color. And, it is the intensity of those colors that indicate the condition of a soul. Today, you’ll learn how you—or anyone who desires it—can see and read their own energy colors and/or the energy colors of others.
Each person has an aura that reflects his or her personal energy. Most people have an aura that surrounds them in about a 3-foot radius, extending for 18 to 24 inches from the body. People who have endured trauma and tragedy often have larger auras.
An aura can come in many colors and/or exhibit a dominant color. It’s rare that an aura will be only one color. Some can be a composite of rainbow colors.
Every aura consists of seven levels also called layers or auric bodies. Each body has its own unique frequency. Each body is interrelated and each affects the other as well as a person’s feelings, emotions, thinking, behaviors, and health. In other words, an imbalance in one of the auric layers can lead to an imbalance in the others.
It wasn’t until the invention of Kirlian photography, that auras could be validated beyond that of a psychic’s word. The process, named after Semyon Kirlian, who accidentally discovered color emanating from individuals did so when an object on a photographic plate was connected to a high-voltage source. The image that was produced showed colors undetectable by the human eye.
Clairvoyants have always been able to perceive these colors long before Kirlian’s discovery. Professional clairvoyants have always used the information to enhance their psychic readings and energy healings, even at a distance. There’s a lot of information available for someone gifted with this type of sight. It is a special gift and skill that should be honed because it increases the depth and experience of any psychic reading.
RELATED: Psychic Development: 7 Steps to Release Low Vibration Energy Cords From Your Space
You can tap into that information too. If you would like to, choose the best conditions you can before you begin.
Soon you will notice an impact of color on the background. The person will appear brighter or have a definite color emanating from against the white background. If you are attempting to see your own aura, follow the same procedure, but use a mirror.
Each color in an aura has meaning. For example, yellow has a specific physical correlation to the spleen. Which may be important in cases of healing. Green variations will come from people who work for the public good like teachers and doctors, or who have a love for animals and nature. Such information may be important for suggesting possible occupations. On the physical side, green relates to the heart and lungs.
There are many colors, color combinations, and levels of colors you will see when viewing someone’s aura. The study of Auric interpretations requires that you familiarize yourself with those colors and what they mean. To expand the efficiency of your viewing, practice every day. Practice will increase your sensitivity and further the development of your Auric sight.
MORE PSYCHIC TIPS: The Power of Your Breath: 4 Dynamic Psychic Development Techniques to Strengthen Your Intuition
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How to use Grounding Essential Oil:
There is much to learn about psychic phenomena and psychic protection, including the importance of the essential tools and exercises related to Grounding and Grounding Cords, like Neutrality, Running Energy and Staying the Center of Your Head. As a start, or as a refresher for the veteran, join Michelle in her psychic development courses here!
Be sure to check out our popular newly launched Online Psychic Development Program!
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