Sutra Series: 5 Specific Sutras for Psychic Development
5 Specific Sutras that Will Enhance Your Psychic Development Unlocking our full potential as humans means tapping into abilities and skills that go beyond the physical realm. One of these…
Toxic, low vibration energies have no place in your life. You and you alone control what comes into your world, literally and energetically. This simple awareness will allow you to attract good experiences, people and energies going forward.
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Now that we have that straight, let’s look at next steps. As a start, you must first understand how energy works. All things, even the tangible computer or phone you’re using to your read this is energy. You too, are made up of energy. People, thoughts and things around you affect your personal energy field in either a positive or a negative way. At all times, you are the helm. Nothing comes through that you don’t choose or desire. You control the energy that you allow in as well as the energy you choose to hold on to.
What are darker forces, lower astral beings? Why are they here? How do we evict an entity? As there is light, there is dark. Today we’re talking all about this and you’ll learn three techniques available to you during your psychic development that will support you in keeping pure positive essence in your space at all times.
A wise old man is talking to his grandson. He explains that there is a terrible battle between two wolves takes place every day inside all people.
These two animals symbolize two opposing forces. One is evil, the old man tells his grandson. It is anger. It is envy, greed, arrogance and sadness. It’s the feeling of inferiority and the ego. The other force is kindness, joy, love, hope, serenity, humility, compassion, and peace.
The grandfather explains that the two wolves battle within each of us every day.
When the young Cherokee boy asked his grandfather, which wolf will win the battle, the grandfather responded simply. “The one you feed will win.
Which “wolf” are you feeding?
Wherever you put your focus is what you will attract. Ask yourself, are you focusing on what’s good in your life – or are you letting toxic relationships, thoughts and things hold you back?
There is a layer of energy that surrounds your physical body. This energy field is called the aura. Do you feel out of sorts, not yourself, like something is in your space or even like you can’t function? This can be because this auric field is cluttered with energy gunk. You may not understand why lethargic feelings or defeated thoughts are present. You might even feel you are somehow bringing low energy as if you were a magnet for dark energy and/or negativity. So, caring for your auric field becomes as important as caring for your physical body. It will require taking your power back, cleaning your energy body and evicting low entities or energies.
RELATED: How to Create the Essential Psychic Development Tool of Grounding
While there is much that is positive about working with psychic Sense-Abilities, there are areas of caution. It is essential and compulsory that, when delving into the world of psychic phenomena, you recognize the need for spiritual, mental, and physical protection. Protection must be considered, not only for yourself but for the safety of your loved ones. There are, we regret to say, spirits of lower vibration, whose only reason for existing is to spread chaos and turmoil. They are spirits that want nothing more than to bring negative energy and negative situations into your life and
It is important to know, when you are dealing with spirits or working to connect with them, there are good spirits and not so good spirits. The difficulty inherent in this situation is that you may not always know (at least right away) with which type of spirit you are dealing. You won’t know the intention of a spirit until you make contact with it. Even if your goal is to connect with a spirit you already know is good, it is possible that a lower vibration spirit will intervene.
Many times as we get rid of a dark force, it will manipulate our visualization to disrupt the process. You might also now try this now:
Congratulations on your first low vibration eviction! You will use any one of these techniques on future clients to help them heal or in your dreams or during meditation to evict low vibration entities.
Create a few techniques of your own using imagination on how to evict or get rid of a dark force, or lower astral entity. Spend 5 minutes using your new technique to get rid of one. When you see your third eye is clear of all beings, you know you have succeeded. Feel your newfound strength of being able to rid yourself of them anytime you want. And know that you are also able to help clients rid themselves of these pests.
Always use the golden divine energy of the Higher and ask your Guides for assistance. Be sure to return to this blog post after this assignment and let us know how this worked for you!
Good question! No, it sure does not.
The thought of the low energy does not invite it back in the strictest sense, particularly short fleeting or momentary thoughts. Darker entities don’t just show up because you think of them. Your continued thought and worry, over time, however brings the low energy ‘in general’ to your space and you will then see it manifest in a variety of ways like repeated negative people in your life, or one thing after the other going wrong. The important thing is to catch yourself after that fleeting thought. Then, honor yourself for catching yourself: you cannot shift away from something that is not serving you if you can’t see you’re doing it. So, bravo to you for catching yourself in that brief thought of the low energy! Then, simply shift into new and better thought of what you do desire.
As you proceed along your path of universal connections and higher planes of existence, you will be more aware of the myriad of spiritual energies around you. You will be exposed to new realms of being, and as a consequence, you will become more sensitive to their vibrations. This increase in awareness will bring increased vulnerabilities. Therefore, it is necessary for you to create a safe space, where positive energy can dwell and negative energy is forbidden.
Practicing psychics develop a protection rose or a prayer of protection to send a message to the universe of their strong intentions to be protected. A prayer of protection is personal and is often repeated aloud. Its power is in the strong intention of the practitioner. It is a prayer said before starting the day and before any reading or energy work takes place.
While a protection prayer is a verbal expression—alerting negative spirits to keep their distance—a protection rose is a meditative energy tool that reinforces a clear boundary against negative energy. It acts as a filter to prevent energies not your own from accessing your space. It is a defense mechanism to ensure safe and protected sessions.
To create a protection rose, you must first envision a rose clearly in your mind’s eye. See the colors and smell the aroma. See the beauty of it from the ground up, along the green stem, onto the shape and texture of the leaves, to the actual shape and form of the rose petals. The vision of your rose, and the pure essence of energy it imparts, will invade your space, protecting you with a strong, unfettered connection to the universe. Your mind cannot tell the difference between reality and imagination. Because of that, the unencumbered vision of your rose actively acts as your energy protector.
MORE PSYCHIC DEVELOPMENT: Psychic Development and 7 Essential Step to Clear Negative Energy Cords
Now that you have three techniques to remove low energies and/or entities and the Protection Rose to support your work, let’s talk about how to maintain positive flow and balance in your daily life going forward.
Keep in mind that low energies are acquired over time. They don’t just show up! Rather, over time they arrived and you just didn’t catch them! So they stuck with you, like sludge, and grew. Consider this to ensure positive energy surrounds you at all times:
Think about what you’re saying. If you say “I don’t want another bad day” you just brought it to you. How? By saying “No” I don’t want that particular thing it’s just like saying yes to it. You said yes to a bad day by the mere fact that you gave attention to a bad day. So, say yes to what you do want! Fuel the good wolf and say things like:
Life is good
I intend happy
I have time to do all I need to today
I feel safe and loved today and every day
You know these people. They feel heavy. When you’re around them you feel heavy too. You find yourself with a general sense of not liking how you feel – before, during and after you’re with them. Perhaps they influence you to do things or make choices you normally would not. Catch yourself in the midst of these feelings and consider some clean up in your world! Take your power back from anyone in your life who is toxic, be they family, friends, or even professional career relationships. Make a conscious choice to employ your Protection Rose while near them and make sure you’re near them as little as possible.
If you’re needing to do an energy releasing meditation to support you in setting healthy energy boundaries with people around, from your past or present try my Energy Cord Releasing Meditation! It is indeed possible that you could be carrying past residual low energy that it’s time to get rid of.
There are things in your life that bring you joy. Think for a moment. What are they? A wonderful dinner with family? Yoga class? Your pets? An exciting musical performance? The laughter of your son or daughter? As you think of these experiences notice your energy. Do you feel peace? Ease? Comfort? Gratitude? Abundance? Of course you do! Now, think of the things, places or experience in your day or life that don’t bring joy. Loud busy stores or an airport? Traffic jams? A crisis in the news? What are your emotions now as you think of these places or experiences? Anxiety, heaviness, fear and grief might be some emotions that overtook you as you just simply thought of this. Having done this simple thought exercise consider two things: First, your immediate emotional response to the joy vs. lack of joy experiences. You likely went from happy to sad in seconds as you merely thought of these experiences. This should be clear proof to you how powerful your emotions are influenced by thought it just a few moments! Second, realize that you actually may be inviting in negative energy without even knowing it! When you have been driving in a traffic jam for example, you can take the emotion of that experience with you to the extent that it lingers with you all day. Be sure to clear your energy after having been at these chaotic places and/or events and if possible, limit your time in them.
It’s the good wolf we want to thrive! In the spirit of the good wolf, make a list of all the things in your life that fill you up and bring you joy. Grow your Good Wolf Joy List!
The universe will honor your effort and your intention to be protected. It doesn’t take long for you to establish a daily routine of envisioning your life and the energy around you safe, well and full of love and light as your daily norm. Remember that any routine is an ongoing process that only becomes a habit with practice and consistency.
If you’d like to learn more about psychic or mediumship development and how to connect with your higher self check out helpful courses for psychic development training, tele-courses and online development programs!
I hope you enjoyed this article on low entity removal. If you’re looking for more spiritual development information, check out The Intuitive Hour: Awaken Your Inner Voice podcast, along with my over 183 episodes covering a wide variety of intuitive development topics.
This article is based on an episode at the Intuitive Hour: Awaken Your Inner Voice, one of the Top 8 Podcasts of 2022 To Improve Your Interpersonal Skills right alongside some of the podcast greats: Anthony Robbins, Jay Shetty, Brendon Burchard and featured as 45 Best Psychic Podcasts.
Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Podcast Addict, Pocket Casts, Stitcher, Castbox, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music, or your favorite podcast platform.
Photo credit: Canva
My free and simple Controlled Remote Viewing exercise will empower you to uncover answers to your burning questions about lost objects, events, or people in the past, present or future.
What an amazing and detailed article on this topic. I feel so much more empowered and in control. Your content adds so much value to my journey and I am so grateful for it!! Thank you Michelle and team, I so appreciate the important work you do ?❤️❤️???
I’m so happy to learn you’re enjoying all the learning Joleah! More to come! (: Warmly, Michelle
Excellent article. You answered questions I needed, and I only accidentally found the article! Serendipity ♡
Thank you so much.
… divine synchronicity Lanie. (:
I’m so glad I found this article, it has giving me much needed insight about the dark forces that have been surrounded me since childhood. I now understand that I have left a door open for this low frequencies to control every move I make. Thank you this is a journey I must start.
You’re sure welcome Claudia! I’m so glad you’re following. Do let me know if you have questions along the way! Be sure to listen in at the Intuitive Hour as well! Warmly, Michelle
Is it normal to feel sick after removing lower vibrational Entity?
… yes, this can sure happen David. It will pass quickly as the low energy releases. I’m sure glad you’re following. Warmly, Michelle