The Meaning of Ear Ringing
You might notice that ear ringing happens at various times in your day. What the heck does this mean, you ask. Well, let’s explore this!
The first order of business is to address this important bit of information: Ear ringing can be related to a medical condition called, Tinnitus, which occurs on the heels of hearing very loud sound. This might be experienced having just heard especially loud music or having been near or around equipment or machinery where there is excessive piercing noise. Be sure to visit with a doctor to rule this condition out.
The Big Picture & Ringing Ears
As you begin to experience ear ringing, you’ll notice there is a powerful energy essence when it happens. It’s mysteriously soothing, and you might feel a warm whooshing sensation throughout your head. Accompanying this, there may be a sense of knowing that you are receiving a higher-level message. You want to be sure to tune into this. This is your soul speaking to you. In other words, your subconscious is trying to get your attention. Be especially aware of moments of synchronicity or where you find yourself saying “What a coincidence!” Anything unusual or out of the norm would also stand out to you. Let’s take a look now at why, exactly, this ear ringing happens.
Transformation, Raising Your Vibration & Connecting with Universal Forces
Yes, that’s right, you are smack dab amid a spiritual transformation!
Ear ringing during spiritual milestones like this is a clear sign you are awakening, and spiritual ascension is happening.
There is a lot going on with our planet today socially, politically, environmentally, and so much more. All these global matters hold energy. Think of it like ever changing energy frequencies which are fast-tracking energies on earth. This ripples into our own energy fields much like a wave. Sometimes they come in more frequently like in clusters, but they can be quite random and catch you by surprise. It turns out that our energy bodies are affected by greater energy changes that we are all experiencing.
Many of us are also way more energetically sensitive and aware and can pick up on subtle energy shifts. This awareness brings a greater connection with the Divine and outer cosmos and we are better able to sense other dimensions and any communication within.
Ringing in the ears, like seeing repeating numbers (444, 111, 888) repeated waking up at exact times (2 am, 1:11, 5:75) and other ascension signs is a loud and clear signal to your higher consciousness that an awakening is happening.
Epiphany-like Downloads
Ear ringing will either come in right before or after a spiritual download. What is a spiritual down? Essentially, it is when you receive a flood of higher-level information at one time. A musician or singer could receive the lyrics to a new song. Downloads may be conceptual in nature as well. For example, you have a work project or even a family matter that is lingering and unresolved. You experience the ear ringing and later the right plan or perfect few words to resolve the situation just drops right in out of seeming nowhere. These downloads can come in intuitively, during meditation, a dream, vision, or randomly while you’re fully awake.
Great! And how, exactly, do I know I’m having a download?
Pay close attention to your body. You know your own body better than anyone! Take heed and notice if you’re having unusual sensations in your body. You might even notice repeated sensations, exhibiting in a pattern-like fashion. The more clarity you have with your body the more you will recognize and then receive higher messages to guide you in life. When I’m receiving a download, I often experience tingling in my hands. Pay attention to similar body sensation that may come to you. It could be chills, increased heat, or vibration in an area of your body, a tingling or even a touch sensation.
What are you feeling emotionally? Do you feel moment of bliss, joy, gratitude or even euphoria out of the blue? Spiritual downloads will bring an intense flood of these kinds of emotions. You could even receive a deep sense of calm or peace.
What thoughts are you thinking? Often what we think are thoughts are high vibration pockets of download. So be mindful of what you were thinking in the several moments prior.
RELATED: How to Develop Your Psychic Power of Clairaudience
Energy Upgrades
Our energy bodies change and grow just like our physical bodies. We can start to perceive higher frequencies when our energy body, chakra system or aura experiences a level up. Each chakra and each aura layer are a unique color, but each also carries a specific energy frequency. This is precisely why healings, meditation and continued energy work is so important! We want to be sure to create harmony within our chakras and aura as they get bogged down and then physical symptoms and ailments begin to occur.
Physical ailments are a result of stuck energy. Spiritual tools like Ground, Running Energy and Neutrality can help you balance energies and alleviate these physical symptoms so that they no longer disrupt your day.
Remember that in the same way that our physical bodies might experience a dietary or nutritional detoxification process we might choose to engage in, our energetic bodies do the very same kind of clean out process.
Clairaudience is a German word and means clear hearing. Your clairaudience ability is rooted in your fifth chakra. This chakra is known to be a blue color and spins like a disc. Your simple attention to this space allows the gift to begin to open. Those with this ability can hear beyond normal day to day sounds and can tune into high pitched frequencies. Clairaudient messages can also present as a buzzing, hearing your name being called, single words command like ‘yes’ or ‘no’ at times of necessity or urgency.
You may feel as if you hear sounds inside your head or outside your head. In other words, you may receive an outer (physical) sound or an inner (nonphysical) sound. An outer physical sound may present much like a human voice. Once as I was getting into bed late one night, I heard the voice of my sister call my name as clear as if she were standing right next to me. This is an example of a sound coming outside your head. Remember, these higher vibrational messages of hearing come from love and grace. Welcome them and ask for the meaning for them. An inner nonphysical sound is more subtle and is like mind talk. It may sound like your own voice.
You may notice that as this gift grows, you become more sensitive to sound. As the ability developed for me, I often heard ear ringing and whooshing sounds. Also, for a time, it was necessary to sleep with earplugs because even slight sounds would wake me. Often, I even felt the sound vibrate through my body. All of these are normal as this ability flourishes for you.
Ringing in the ears is a classic sign that your clairaudience gift is opening, experiencing a recalibration or upgrade. Our psychic gifts are constantly growing and fine-tuning. So welcome in the ear ringing as it could be connected to awakening of your intuition through your ear chakras.
RELATED: Psychic Medium Teaches You Secrets to Swiftly Tap Into Your Psychic Power of Claircognizance
A Good Result is Coming Your Way!
Yes, that’s right, some good news is on the horizon!
Hoping to hear about that financial windfall, job offer, home purchase or good health news? Struggling with a major life decision? A move or career change perhaps? Feeling stressed or lost about a relationship and next steps to navigate that? Whatever the case may be, ringing in the right ear is an indication positive resolve is ahead!
Someone Is in Thought of You
Someone is literally, in this moment of ear ringing, speaking of you.
Think of this in the highest of vibration and realize that this mention of you can come in different ways:
- Someone you know holds you in high regard and is speaking fondly of you, offering great praise.
- A person in your life holds envy, is prone to gossip or speaking unkind words.
- Your Spirit Guides are present letting you know that you’re the topic of someone else’s conversations. Spirit Guides will do this from time to time so that you are mindful to connect with those who are the best match to you.
This kind of ear ringing happens shortly before or after you’ve made a new friendship or began a new relationship with someone you feel a deep connection with entrusted or shared meaningful conversation or information with.
It’s a Warning and Oh Thank Goodness!
This warning is a particularly good thing! Here’s why: let’s say you just put in an offer on your dream home. Within minutes, you hear a ringing in your ear. This could be a warning for you to reconsider that offer or take a deeper look at the structure of the home for hidden issues. So, you see ear ringing is a gift in that it alerts you something is amiss even though you can’t see it in this very moment. Your Spirit Guides may also be guiding you to hold out for something better as another even better opportunity may be ahead.
A Situation May Not Go Your Way
Sometimes, ear ringing is bittersweet. Simply put, it means something may not go as planned. So, give some reflection time to the bigger issues in life that you’re facing and that feel like they’re holding you back. Deep down we know when something isn’t meant for us or isn’t likely to work out in our favor. Tune into that knowing. If you find yourself forcing or pushing too hard to make something happen, it likely isn’t meant to be. Say hello to the truth, embrace it and heed this ear ringing message to let go and move on.
Take a Deeper Look at Your Life
Our Spirit Guides and our Higher Self keeps us on track. An ear ringing, particularly during meditation or at the wee hours of the night is an invitation to go within and ask yourself, “Am I living the life that is honoring my soul?”
This kind of earing ringing happens at transition times in life. Perhaps you feel bored, like you’re spinning your wheels or wanting more for yourself. This can also be triggered by receiving unfortunate news. Regardless the case, ear ringing at these times is a strong message to re-examine and plan anew your life course.
Connecting with Spirit Guides, Angels & Higher Forces
As you fall in and out of sleep or in mediation especially you may experience ear ringing. This may be your spiritual team coming through.
Spirit Guides are uniquely able to help where intuition is not. This is because spirit guides know all that has been and is now going on in your life. They are entities that may or may not work in concert with other guides on your behalf. They may appear to have male or female characteristics, but they are neither male nor female. Those characteristics are there to aid your human understanding and to give you something with which you can easily identify.
Spirit guides also communicate in a unique way. They come across through thoughts—strong thoughts. They send messages in the same way messages are sent to Spirit Interactors (mediums). Know that their connection with humans is always gentle. You should think about it as receiving a message unlike intuition or mental insight. It is stronger and more directed than that. The best way to think of spirit guide connections is to think of them as concerned messages with direction.
If your intuition is guiding you that this may be a guide or angel getting in touch, hold a relaxed state and tune in. You can call your guides to you now and see if they have a message for you.
Electronic Effect and Interference
Living in the world we do; electronic interference is just simply unavoidable. Mobile phones, televisions, WiFi, power supplies, transformers and so on are here to stay. The good news is, we can co-exist in harmony!
Ringing in the ears can occur when there is an overload of electronic interference which we tune into with our more subtle intuitive senses. If you’ve been on this kind of overload, then this may be the culprit of the ear ringing.
Steps to avoid ear ringing in these conditions:
- Limit the time you spend on digital devices and computers.
- Take breaks every hour from digital devices, even for just 2 minutes.
- Create quiet time each day where there are no distractions.
- Turn your computer and cell phone completely off at night.
- Ground yourself daily by getting your bare feet on the earth.
The key to figuring out how to navigate this phenomenon is to tune into your intuition. Remember to ask your Spirit Guidance for clarity and support.
Turn It Down, Please!
I get it! Sometimes the ear ringing is just too much. So, here are two techniques to help you get a handle on the ear ringing and turn it down a notch.
Technique 1
Is the ear ringing keeping you awake? It should not be. You are in charge and you can control it, lower it, or even remove it if you desire to.
First, set an intention to quiet the ear ringing.
Next, in a seated position, with your bare feet on the ground, breathe in and breathe out several times. Next, say out loud, “The ear ringing is too loud. It is now lowering or alter to a sound that is tolerable and right for me.” You might also ask to turn off the ear ringing entirely. Now, just let some time pass.
For some bonus exploration, try raising the sound and then lowering it, at your own will and directive. Some of you may feel connected enough to do this.
Technique 2
Imagine a gauge out in front of you. The gauge is numbered 1 to 10 and represents the volume of your ear ringing, 10 being the highest volume. When the ear ringing happens the next time, and feels too loud to the following:
First, take a moment to pause and breathe. Then set the intention to simply turn it down.
Next, watch as the gauge as it gradually yet firmly moves down from 10, to 9, to 8 then 7 and so on until it reaches a noise level you are comfortable with. Simultaneously, say out loud “The ear ringing volume and pitch I hear is lowing now.”
As you visualize this and state this out loud your subconscious is hearing you and must listen – no exceptions.
PSYCHIC DEVELOPMENT MUST-HAVES: Psychic Development: The Necessity of Psychic Protection and How to Create a Protection Rose
I Understand the Meaning of Ear Ringing. Now What?
Ear ringing is a wonderful way to receive messages of higher insight and knowing!
In time, as your psychic ability grows, you will get better and better at discerning what ear ringing means. As this happens, you’ll notice a few things. This will be your confirmation you’re on track!
- You find your tribe. Like-minded souls are abounding. You no longer feel alone or misunderstood.
- Certainty in decisions. You are in a high vibration state as your norm. Doubt is released. You know the right thing to do and when. Right action is present. You’ll notice you are creating and expressing from a higher place.
- Immediate access to intuitive insight and information. There is no longer a delay in receiving of psychic and intuitive insight. It is accessible at any time you choose.
- High vibration communication. This means you’re opening a direct line to Source. You may notice channeling abilities. Right words come at the right time.
- Enhanced creativity. Writing, music, art, dance, and all things creative begin to find a way into your life. You begin creating healing remedies or offer healing services to others.
- Increase in psychic functioning and healing abilities. You receive and understand psychic information with clarity and ease and your healing abilities increase.
Use this invaluable gift you have been bestowed! It is here to work for you and with you.
Your Next Steps
Are you desiring to learn more about your psychic abilities? Check out Michelle’s award-winning book, Take the Leap: What It Really Means to Be Psychic!
I hope you enjoyed this article on the very popular topic of ear ringing and its meaning. If you’re looking for more spiritual development information, check out The Intuitive Hour: Awaken Your Inner Voice podcast, along with my over 183 episodes covering a wide variety of intuitive development topics.
This article is based on an episode at the Intuitive Hour: Awaken Your Inner Voice, one of the Top 8 Podcasts of 2022 To Improve Your Interpersonal Skills right alongside some of the podcast greats: Anthony Robbins, Jay Shetty, Brendon Burchard and featured as 100 Best Psychic Podcasts.
Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Podcast Addict, Pocket Casts, Stitcher, Castbox, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music, or your favorite podcast platform.
Photo credit: Canva
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